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Herbal Oils

Health Professionals

Integrative Approach

As a natural Integrative Healthcare Consultant, I am passionate about preventing and treating dis-ease by addressing the deepest underlying causes. I have a special interest in treating cases in an integrative manner and supporting and training health professionals in assessing and treating cases in this way.


Looking at causative factors, inherited pre-disposition from previous generations and current hidden stressors, including how our values and beliefs can impede our journey and flow through life. 


Using an approach which focuses on “gut health” and what impacts our gut in detail, not just what we eat. Hippocrates said, “All disease begins in the gut”. It is true and our mental and emotional state affects our gut, and therefore our autonomic nervous system and hormones.  We therefore need to address both, our physical gut along with our mental and emotional health and look to lifestyle and stressors and how we react and adapt to an ever-changing world around us. That ability to adapt is key to good health, but we need to identify the blocks, be that life purpose, lifestyle, nutrition, emotion, relationships, exercise, environment, values, beliefs and so on. Inherited pre-disposition and generational patterns are also of huge importance. 

Mega Potency in Homeopathy

It is the inter-generational inherited pre-disposition and understanding of the importance of repeating patterns in cases that led me based on clinical experience to the prescribing of ultra-high dilutions of Homeopathic remedies. At the time I was unaware there was anyone doing similar. It took me outside my comfort zone, then with the support of colleagues and following sound homeopathic philosophy I implemented the use of mega potencies over an MM potency in my day-to-day practice and more recently up to 1MMM to match the vibrational shift of the world around us. 


We treat in an individualised way and no one methodology will be right for all. However, I am very happy to share my positive experience and rationale with other homeopaths in webinars and also private supervision sessions based around cases. 


Fee structure for the above is based on my current hourly rate.

Assess a case | Evaluate best options | Empower patients

“Sue is compassionate, reassuring and created confidence in me to instil change”.

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